IV Sedation

We recognize that some of our patients may feel anxious or apprehensive about receiving dental care. Dr. Afifi and staff work hard to make sure that you have a comfortable, positive experience, and that's why we are pleased to offer sedation dentistry for those patients needing a little extra comfort before receiving treatment. Feeling anxious about receiving dental care should never prevent you from having the beautiful, healthy smile you deserve.


There are different types of sedation dentistry, and you and your doctor will work together to decide on a personalized treatment plan that will give you the care you need while ensuring your comfort every step of the way.


Once the decision is made about the sedation, all sedation preparation and after care will be discuss with the patient.

Oral Sedation:
While each case my defer, generally about an hour before you begin your dental treatment, you will be given a small pill to help you relax. Due to the sedative nature of the pill, you will need someone to accompany you to your appointment because you will not be able to drive. When you arrive at our practice, our staff will be waiting for you and will escort you to a private room where you'll be treated.

IV Sedation:
Your Dr. Afifi will gently place an IV and administer medication to help you into a deeper state of relaxation. Once your treatment is complete, you will wake up with little or no memory of the appointment and a beautiful new smile. Using sedation dentistry, we may be able to complete many different procedures, including complex smile makeovers, in just one office visit.


We understand that you may have many questions about sedation dentistry before receiving treatment. Here are some of the most common questions and answers about sedation dentistry:

  • Will I feel anything during my treatment? Sedation does not replace local anesthetic. We will administer local anesthetic before any procedures. We will not proceed until you are completely numb. Because this is moderate sedation, we will know if you are feeling any discomfort. We will not proceed any treatment until you are completely numb so you won't feel the procedure. There is very little discomfort, and many patients wake up feeling relaxed and comfortable with almost no memory of the treatment.
  • Will I feel anything during my treatment? Sedation does not replace local anesthetic. We will administer local anesthetic before any procedures. We will not proceed until you are completely numb. Because this is moderate sedation, we will know if you are feeling any discomfort. We will not proceed any treatment until you are completely numb so you won't feel the procedure. There is very little discomfort, and many patients wake up feeling relaxed and comfortable with almost no memory of the treatment.
  • Is sedation dentistry the same as being unconscious? No. You will still be conscious and responsive but you will be in a deep state of relaxation.
  • Is sedation dentistry safe? Sedation dentistry is a safe and effective way for many patients to receive dental treatment. Before starting your treatment with IV sedation, Dr. Afifi will help you decide if IV sedation is right for your treatment.
  • How long will it take the sedation to wear off? The time it takes for the sedatives to wear off depends on the dose you've received, how long your treatment is, and how quickly your own body can recover. Because sedation causes drowsiness, it is recommended that you have a family member or friend drive you from your appointment. After your treatment, you should not drive, drink alcohol, or operate machinery until the next day.
  • Am I a good candidate for sedation dentistry? Any patient who experiences dental anxiety or requires extensive surgery is a good candidate for sedation dentistry. If you have any of the following fears or concerns, ask your doctor about sedation dentistry as an option for your next dental treatment:
    • Extreme dental anxiety, or fear of visiting the dentist
    • Fear of needles and/or shots
    • Past traumatic dental experience
    • Inability to handle the smells or noises at a dentist's office
    • Overly sensitive teeth, a strong gag reflex, or trouble getting numb
    • Need for a more complex dental treatment
    • Self-consciousness about one's teeth
    • Desire for a more comfortable dental treatment

If you feel that you could benefit from sedation dentistry at your next appointment, please contact us and let us know how we can better accommodate your needs.

For Expert Anxiety Free Dentistry Visit Dr. Afifi in Seattle

Dr.Afifi is located in the medical area of Downtown - Capitol Hill and First Hill District. This office specializes in IV sedation dentistry for complex treatment plans and those who rather not be awake for the procedure. During your sedation, he monitors all your health stats and performs the necessary procedures. Our Capitol Hill/ First Hill location is great for those that work at Swedish Medical Facilities or go to Seattle University.

For more information on IV Sedation, arrange an appointment for consultation.


Schedule an Appointment Today

Call our office to for a consultation appointment for more information about IV Sedation at (206)-323-9000. We'll help you achieve your smile goals!