Things You Need To Know About Sedation Dentistry

Like a case study of undergoing a complex dental procedure like oral surgery, root canal treatment, or extraction. And just after the process, you have nothing to recall about the discomfort, time it took, the noise, and the pain you anticipated earlier. There is a way which is called “sedation dentistry,” and we are pleased to offer our patient this safe and less stressful method. Sedation dentistry was introduced for those who are prone to anxiety when visiting the dentist. It is an anxiety-free dentistry method of sedation.

Benefits to get undergoing sedation dentistry include;


  • No anxiety or fear experienced during treatment, no consciousness to remember an event that took place during the procedure (including sound or smell), and no record of time while under sedation.
  • Patients who had to partake in this procedure can relate their seemly relaxing and straightforward experience to sedation dentistry.
  • You may be nervous about being unconscious; they are a variety of sedation level available to you. You should note that these sedation levels are professional and respectful at all times and this practice is regulated by law. Dentist in Seattle have used this procedure with basically three levels of sedation.

 The levels of sedation are;


  • Mild Sedation

This is the lightest form of sedation dentistry and is often used for a patient who has mild anxiety, lengthy procedures, or more complex situations. Even though you remain awake or sleepy throughout the process, you will feel a great deal of relaxation in your body, and you can breathe on your own. This procedure takes a few hours for you to recover from. During treatment, nitrous oxide inhalation (laughing gas) is a form of mild to moderate sedation.

  • Moderate sedation

This is used mainly for a patient who has moderate dental anxiety level, and for those who need more lengthy or complex procedure. In this level, you will be awake all through the procedure but will feel a great deal of relaxation in your body. For the fact that this could take several hours to wear off of a patient with driven regarded to be unsafe, it would be recommended for a patient to be accompanied by a friend, spouse or parent.

  • Deep sedation

In this level, the patient will be between consciousness and unconsciousness throughout the dental procedure. The patient is unable to respond to command during this period (even though they are awake), and do not have any recollection of the treatment.  It is also recommended, for the fact that this could take several hours to wear off of a patient with driven regarded to be unsafe for a patient to be accompanied by a friend, spouse or parent.

Two processes administer sedation:

  • Inhalation: recovery is quick using this process, and you can return to your daily routine.
  • Oral: the Popularly used technique of sedation. You will be prescribed a pill that needs to be taken hours before your appointment and does not involve the use of needles.
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